Work with us
Are you interested in primary care research? Do you want be part of a dynamic research team, co-design projects, and learn more about research methods? Come and join us and be part of an innovative network of Researchers, GPs, Registrars, Practice Managers, Practice Nurses and Healthcare Professionals who want to be involved in practice-based research. We need you to help deliver quality research that is relevant to practice and that can assist you to deliver the best primary care to your patients.
Being involved in the network could present opportunities to conduct activities that qualify for QI PIP and the opportunity to count towards CDP Activities for the RACGP CPD Triennium.
Any researcher wishing to conduct research with or through GoldNet Research Network must please download and complete the form. Completed applications can be sent to
Current Active Projects - Seeking Recruitment
Cancer Survivorship Care in General practice – a national survey
You are invited to participate in an anonymous survey being led by A/Prof Carolyn Ee, Academic GP and Associate Professor (CancerSurvivorship and Primary Care) at the Caring Futures Institute, Flinders University. This study aims to assess GP and GP trainee comfort with providing cancer survivorship care in adult cancer survivors.
Evaluating the feasibility of a digital program for secondary prevention of stroke.
Researchers at the CSIRO and Monash University have developed a digital program for secondary stroke prevention. We are conducting research with General Practitioners to better understand the potential barriers and facilitators for its implementation in practice.
GP's use of non-drug interventions in primary care
We are a team of researchers at the Institute for Evidence-Based Healthcare at Bond University. In collaboration with RACGP, we are conducting a program of research to optimise the use of non-drug interventions in primary care, including designing an effective platform for prescribing non-drug interventions.
Completed Projects / No longer recruiting
Activating Primary Care COPD Patients with Multimorbidity (APCOM) Trial
The APCOM Trial is an MRFF-funded primary health care implementation research initiative being conducted by Bond University, UNSW Sydney, University of Queensland, Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, University of Wollongong Australia, University of Sydney, Lung Foundation Australia, Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association, and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. The trial aims to improve the quality of life of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and other chronic conditions through an innovative nurse-led, tailored self-management program in QLD and NSW general practices.
Web-Based Learning for General Practitioners and Practice Nurses Regarding Behavior Change: Qualitative Descriptive Study
Griffith University's project aimed to determine the acceptability and feasibility of a Queensland Health e-learning suite for continual professional development. This project has been completed and published in an open-access journal. Please click on "More info" to access the publication.
This NHMRC funded randomised controlled trial, aimed to increase the delivery of evidence-based care by GPs in treating patients with a work-related mental health condition. GPs will improve their care for these patients, and engage with peers and key opinion leaders as part of the intervention – which is designed to implement the RACGP endorsed ‘Clinical guideline for the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions in general practice’.
Developing a co-designed vaping cessation program for young adults
Researchers at Griffith University are developing a co-designed vaping cessation program for young adults; exploring vaping cessation with vapers/former vapers and key stakeholders involved in caring for the health of young people.
This cluster randomised trial, funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, explored whether asking patients in general practice about depressive symptoms and providing this information to their GP improves identification and appropriate treatment of depression and leads to improved mental health outcomes for patients.
Monitoring micronutrient status among people undergoing bariatric and metabolic surgery
Bond University is conducting a qualitative research study, aiming to explore the perspectives of health professionals’ who provide care to patients undergoing bariatric and metabolic surgery, specifically around management of patients’ micronutrient status.