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Implementing work-related Mental health guidelines in general PRactice (IMPRovE): A parallel cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT)

This project has ceased recruitment. 


Trial protocol is published: link


This NHMRC funded randomised controlled trial, aims to increase the delivery of evidence-based care by GPs in treating patients with a work-related mental health condition. GPs will improve their care for these patients, and engage with peers and key opinion leaders as part of the intervention – which is designed to implement the RACGP endorsed ‘Clinical guideline for the diagnosis and management of work-related mental health conditions in general practice’.

Mental health conditions that have arisen from work are increasing. Some patients develop mental health conditions because of work stress or incidents at work, while in others, mental health conditions emerge following physical work injury. GPs have a pivotal role in directing the recovery and return to work for these patients. However, current practice is hampered by clinical uncertainties and system difficulties. This study aims to increase the delivery of evidence-based care by Australian GPs.


GPs are asked to:

  • Recruit 7 patients (per practice) with a diagnosed or suspected work-related mental health condition;

  • Complete two data collection activities (15-20mins each)


If randomised to the intervention arm:

  • Participate in a 1 hour session of academic detailing

  • Participate in a 1 hour webinar


Total time commitment is 3 hours over 9 months.


GPs will receive an $800 payment and 40 CPD points, and each practice will receive a $500 payment to compensate for time spent on the study.

The IMPRovE trial is funded by an NHMRC Partnership Grant, and official partner organisations: Beyond Blue, the Attorney-General’s Department, Comcare, Queensland Government Office of Industrial Relations, State Insurance Regulatory Authority, WorkSafe Victoria, WorkCover WA and iCare.


Please click here to register your interest or join our study


Practice information sheet

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